Case completed!

So I'm now starting my 3rd blog. If you've been with me for awhile, my blogs have morphed over time. First there was my Alaska blog, "Joy on the Journey." Next there was my very short-lived "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." Now begins the new (and hopefully improved) "The Orange Tree Chronicles."

Anyone with an idea for a better name - please let me know. :) Orange Tree comes from the English translation our last name, in case you didn't know. Of course I start this blog with a purpose - to chronicle our up and coming immigration journey and to post updates about our family while we are in Mexico this summer.

So, the biggest news is that our case is completed at the National Visa Center!! We received an e-mail late Thursday night saying the center received all our documents and that we'd soon be receiving our appointment date in Juarez. Typically appointments are given out the 2nd week of each month. So I will await May 9th and start calling the center every day to see when Francisco has his appointment. Typically people are given 4-6 weeks notice for their appointments at the consulate.

We have many to-do's till then. This week we'll concentrate on getting Andrew's passport (picture in this post is Andrew's passport photo - LOL), applying for a Mexican visa for Andrew and me, getting travel insurance for Mexico, and talking to a travel advisor doctor. It will be a busy week.

It's also my last week home on my maternity leave. I am trying to savor and enjoy each moment! On a sad note, Libby's been not well. She went to the vet last week for a yearly exam and got 2 vaccines and her nails cut...the next day we found an engorged tick on her. Shortly after this she began limping and crying out and since then she does not walk. We spoke with a vet who thought it may be a reaction to the lymes vaccine and to give Libby benadryl and check in again on Monday. She hasn't improved much. Prayers are appreciated.